A free trial version of csImageFile can be downloaded here. Please read the terms and conditions before downloading and installation.
The zip file contains two versions of the component - csImageFileTrial.dll for 32 bit and csImageFile64Trial.dll for 64 bit, as well as full instructions in pdf format.
The dll must be registered on your server using REGSVR32.EXE before it can be used. Click here for more details on this.
This trial version stops working after 30th April 2025. Apart from this, it has all the features of the full version. Scripts used with the trial version will need the Server.CreateObject command modifying if upgrading to the full version, because it has a different name. See the instructions for full details.
Note: While this software has been thoroughly tested, and scanned for viruses, Chestysoft cannot accept liability for any loss or damage which may arise from its use.
Since the launch of Version 8.0, csImageFile no longer supports Windows 2000 or earlier operating systems. It requires Windows 2003 Server or later, for a server operating system, or Windows XP or later for a desktop operating system.
© Chestysoft, 2025.
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