ASP Upload Component - csASPUpload

This classic ASP component saves file uploads on the server. It also contains some HTTP functions to transfer files to and from a remote server.

  • Upload a file, or files, through an HTML form, and save using classic ASP.
  • Allow your web site visitors to upload files without requiring FTP software, or the use of email attachments.
  • Use the data stream feature to save files as binary data in a database.
  • Easy access to form variables following an upload.
  • Supports multiple file uploads.
  • Pass images straight to the csImageFile component for server side manipulation.
  • Display progress during a large upload.
  • HTTP functions to send an upload to a remote server or save a download.
  • Available as 32 bit or 64 bit.

This ASP component saves uploaded files on the server when they have been attached to a browser form.

There are many web applications where it is useful to collect one or more files from a web site visitor. It is always an advantage to make this process as simple as possible. Web browsers have supported file uploads for a long time but they do not save the file directly on the server, instead they post it by HTTP to a server side script or cgi which needs to save the file. Classic ASP needs a component like csASPUpload to save this file, and to read the form variables that may be sent at the same time.

csASPUpload allows files to be collected and saved on the server and it also provides information about those files. The files can be saved to disk or they can be exported as a variant array which means the file can be saved straight into a database. Additionally, the file can be exported as a base64 encoded text string, which can also be used for saving to a database.

The variant array output can also export a file straight into the csImageFile component for server side image manipulation, creation of thumbnails etc. The two components can work together to save uploaded images.

The full features of csASPUpload can be seen by reading the online instruction manual. These instructions are also included in the zip file with the trial component in both PDF and HTML format.

This component must be registered on the server before it can be used. It is available as a 32 bit or 64 bit component.

Existing users can upgrade to the latest version - Click for details.

HTTP Functions

csASPUpload also contains some HTTP functions which allow a script using the component to send a file to a remote server as an HTTP post, and also to receive a file from a remote server as a download. A username and password can be included if the remote server uses authentication. Form variables can be added for the upload as well as the download. Files can be uploaded from a binary variable or downloaded into a binary variable.

Quick Links

Download - Download the trial version of csASPUpload.

Instruction manual - HTML version.

Instruction manual - PDF version.

Buy - Price details and online purchase of csASPUpload.

Upgrade to the latest version.

ASP Examples Using csASPUpload

Upload to a database - the uploaded file is stored as raw data in a database.

Upload files to disk - the uploaded files are stored to disk and can be viewed and deleted.

ASP Examples Using csASPUpload with csImageFile

Upload to a database and resize - an image is resized and stored as raw data in a database.

Upload to disk and resize - an image is resized and stored on disk.

Live demo uploading an image - the image is resized and displayed.

Useful Pages

Component Registration - Some more details and a downloadable utility to make the process easier.

Creating a COM+ Application - An ASP component can be added to a COM+ Application in Component Services for better control of permissions or to allow a 32 bit component to run on a 64 bit website.

Displaying ASP error mesages - How to configure IIS to show detailed ASP error messages.

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