A free trial version of csXGraph can be downloaded here. Please read the terms and conditions before downloading and installation.
The file is a self extracting installer. Running the installer will copy the OCX file and PDF instructions to your hard disk. The OCX file will be registered, and a short cut to the instructions and the uninstaller will be placed in your start menu. A small Visual Basic demo project is also included.
Graphs produced using the trial version contain a line of text, printed at the top of the image, which show that the image is produced using the trial version of csXGraph. This note does not appear in the full version. All the properties and methods are the same in the trial as in the full version, except the Title property. The Title text is positioned at the top left of the image by default, and if it is to be displayed in the trial version it will need to be moved. The ProgID is different between the trial and full versions. See the instructions for a description of this.
Note: While this software has been thoroughly tested, and scanned for viruses, Chestysoft cannot accept liability for any loss or damage which may arise from its use.
For a description of how to uninstall csXGraph - Click Here.
© Chestysoft, 2025.
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